.... Breed Directory ....

If you would like to be added to the Hilltopfarms breeders directory, complete the Hilltopfarms registration form.

Gary Hurt
76 Travertine Dr
Hattiesburg Mississippi 39402
Phone:601 310 5976

Breeds : Temmincks, Mikados, Quail, Ruffed Peasants.

Steve Pickering
P.O. box 453
Collins, Mississippi 39428
Phone: 601-517-1941

Breeds : Jumbo Bobwhite Quail

Patrick & Donna Wibright
3135 W. Topisaw Rd. South
Summit, Mississippi 39666
Phone: 601-250-0248

Breeds : Standard Coturnix Quail

Steve Granier
Po Box 311
Washington MS 39190

Jeanne Hawkins
9986 Koloa Street
Diamondhead MS 39525-4435

Wesley Matthews
730 Goose Hollow Road
Tremont, MS 38876
Aviary: Goose Hollow Farms
Phone: (662)321-1912
Email: wdmatthews@hotmail.com

Breeds: Mute, Whooper, Egyptian, redhead, india blue, midnight black shoulder, buford bronze, sabastapole, idian spotbill, mandarin, bobwhite, yellow golden, silver pheas, ringneck pheas, self blue old english bantams, peach faced lovebirds, nene geese, ring teal, apricot wood